Friday, March 18, 2016

Bedroom Ballad 2: The Santiago and Lewis Household

Raphael being adorable as hell.
So this is PLATONIC as requested by my good friend Sarah. I am a fan of the Shadowhunters TV show, but I have not read the books, nor have watched the movie from a few years ago. So I write this strictly on my knowledge from the show, and what I've been told....and what I've "researched" online. This is an AU where Simon and Raphael are flatmates, but not much is different.

Raphael sat at the small square kitchen table. The coffee maker started on its own, catching his attention. Izzy was here. Simon only turned on the coffee pot when he had his girlfriend stay the night. Raphael looked out the window. His favorite pastime since he couldn't actually go outside after sunrise.
"Sh. I don't know if he's back yet." Simon's voice was quiet, but Raphael heard him clearly. The oak bedroom door slowly creaked open, but Simon sped to his seat opposite his roommate. "Morning. How was your night?"
Raphael stared at him. He didn't exactly love Simon, but he didn't hate him either. It was more of an annoyance. But he did care for him. Not that he'd ever admit it. "What do you want?"
"Nothing? Can't a guy just ask his best friend how his night was?"
"Best friend?" Raphael asked, the annoyance in his voice making Simon stiffen. "I see Isabelle stayed the night."
"Yeah." Simon smirked. "I had a great night."
"I figured. Breakfast is in the fridge." Raphael explained, looking back out the window.
"Great." Simon walked to their somewhat expensive fridge and opened it, grabbing a bag of blood. "Thanks. I'll get tomorrow."
"No you won't." Raphael vetoed Simon as usual. The only reason he let Simon live with him was because he pitted him. Either Simon came to live with him, or Camille. And Raphael figured the kid's chances were better with him.
"Good morning, boys." Izzy exited Simon's bedroom, in nothing but a towel. She walked to the counter and poured coffee in a mug. Raphael's mug. Not that he ever used it, but it was still his.
"Don't you have a home to go to?" Raphael asked.
"Don't you have a hotel to run?" Izzy asked.
"Come on guys. Let's not fight." Simon looked at his girlfriend then at his roommate.
"If you're so tired of me staying here, why don't you give Simon one of the suite's? Then I don't have to bother you anymore."
"Come on, Raphael. I'm not a Fledgling anymore. I can handle myself."
"He's perfectly fine with me." Izzy explained, but Raphael noticed the marks on her neck where Simon almost bit, but he stopped before he got too far.
"No. That's my final answer." He looked at Simon who nodded. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a hotel to run." Raphael got up from the table and fixed his jacket. "You two, have a nice day."

A/N: Depending on the reaction of this Ballad, I might make this into a full blown fanfic on Wattpad.

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