Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bedroom Ballads 4: Raoul and Erik

Cas and Dean as Erik and Raoul
Probably will write some Destiel ballads
Raoul and Erik have returned! This goes with the last ballad that they were in. Same universe, but in the future. FYI! If you're not familiar with Raoul's backstory in the actual Phantom of the Opera book universe, Phillippe is Raoul's brother. Elise is someone I made up. It's short, but I hope you enjoy!

Erik walked into the apartment. He shrugged off his coat and hung it in the closet. Raoul couldn't possibly be asleep this early. Erik checked his phone. It was 3am. Maybe not as early as he had thought. He walked to the bedroom, laughing at the snoring he heard right outside the door. He opened the door to see a lump, asleep, under the covers. Raoul must have just fallen asleep. Erik removed his mask and placed it on his nightstand.

"No- keep it off. It's cold." The younger man spoke in his sleep. Erik cracked a smile. He began to undress. "Erik?"

"Go back to sleep." Erik looked at Raoul. The Vicomte always felt his Phantom's presence when he entered a room.

"What time is it?" Raoul propped himself on his elbow.

"Three in the morning."

"What the hell were you doing coming home so late?"

"My apologies, mother. I was composing. I know I should have called, but-"

"It's fine, sweetheart." Raoul stared at Erik's distorted face.


"You are beautiful." Raoul sat up and kissed the older man. "Are we still going to the baby shower?"

"What baby shower?" Erik asked.

"Elise and Phillipe's. Don't tell me you've forgotten."

"No. There's just been a lot on my mind lately." Erik hated going to family events. He hated being dragged around as Raoul's boyfriend. And he hated having to deal with Raoul's father Louis. The Comte de Chagny hated Erik for corrupting his son. He never understood that it was Raoul who showed Erik the light.

"All we have to do is show up, give them the gift and then we can come back sit on the couch and watch Netflix."

"Fine." Erik looked at the young sandy haired Vicomte. The man he loved.

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