Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Welcome to the Bedroom Ballads!!

Main logo for TBB

Hello Readers,

The Bedroom Ballads are short stories that I started writing two years ago. There are mostly fluff and adorable, but if you ever want smut, I might do "Smutty Sunday" because there's nothing better than reading smut on the Day of Our Lord. I will try to post everyday, or try to post as frequently as I can.

If you read the "Just So You Know..." you understand that I am open to suggestions. I will try to write a story for every couple suggested, even if I'm not familiar with them, I will do my research. I will always put a warning before those stories, stating that I am not familiar and apologizing for any inaccuracies. ALSO if you suggest something, I will always dedicate that one to you. So be sure that when you comment you include your name/nickname, or I'll just use your username/whatever it says.

Thank you for clicking on to Bedroom Ballads. I am hoping to post the first Bedroom Ballad tonight or tomorrow.


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