Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bedroom Ballads 1: Mornings for the Vicomte and the Phantom

Thought that the Cartoon was funny and it is kind of related to the Ballad.

This short contains very domestic Erik and Raoul. Also this takes place somewhat in the future where there are coffee makers and cellphones.

Raoul was half asleep, leaning on the island countertop in the kitchen. His head, resting on his arm as he listened to the sound of the coffee streaming out of the machine. The apartment was too quiet. Erik hadn't come home that night. He was obviously still composing or dealing with the Opera Populaire owners, Andre and Firmin. The front door opened, catching the young Vicomte off guard. Raoul forced his head up and his eyes open. Erik closed the door and placed his keys in the bowl on their coffee table in the living room.

"Good morning," Raoul yawned the greeting, causing Erik to smile.

"I'm sorry that I never showed up last night. I-" Erik shrugged off his coat. "Andre and Firmin are imbeciles."

"Of course, darling." The younger man was on the verge of dozing off again. He rested his head on his hand, letting his eyes close again.

"Why are you awake so early?"

"Hm?" Raoul opened his eyes slowly. "Well it's not like I can sleep when you're not here. The bed gets cold. Plus I have business with the imbeciles." He laughed. "And Meg asked to meet with me."

"Little Meg Giry? That's curious." Erik grabbed Raoul's coffee mug from the machine and placed it on the counter. He took out the cream and the sugar.

"Thank you, my love, but I-" he yawned "-can manage."

"You can barely keep yourself up." Erik laughed. He barely needed sleep, so seeing Raoul in the morning was always entertaining. He began to make the younger man's coffee.

"Erik?" Raoul asked Erik, in the midst of stirring looked at his partner. "How'd you do I for so long?"


"Stay alone in the cellar of the theater? With no one. Just alone."

"Raoul, we've spoken about this. I don't like speaking about the past." Erik slid the coffee mug in front of Raoul. The heat alarmed him.

"Oh, thank you." Raoul smiled lazily. He picked up the mg with both hands. Erik removed his mask and placed it on the table. He kissed the younger man's temple and walked to the bedroom that they shared. Raoul stared at the mask.

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